GARBC, Associations, And Truth
Not the most catchy title, I know, but perhaps as you read it might make sense. Our church is an independent Baptist church, but we have belonged to an association called the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches (GARBC) for about 70 years or so. I grew up and spent most of my adult life in a church in this same association, so I was very familiar with it when I came here. I believe associations can have upsides and downsides, and therefore I have remained fairly neutral on belonging to any association as a church, that is, until recently. This summer, the GARBC published an article that grieved me in The Baptist Bulletin, a quarterly publication that has been around as long as I can remember.
There were actually two articles in the 2023 summer edition that gave me concern, both on the topic of homosexuality. Now, to be clear and fair, I am in agreement with the overall conclusions of the articles. The first one made the case that homosexuality is a sin according to God’s Word, and the second one gave opinions on how to deal with a loved one who decides to live a homosexual lifestyle, calling for love and respect while holding on to convictions. The framing contained in both articles was concerning, for example, it talked about dealing with “loving, faithful same-sex sexual relations.” I cannot imagine any Biblical author using such glowing terms as “loving” or “faithful” regarding this wicked behavior that is called an abomination to God. That is adopting the worldly terminology to frame the issue, and I found that to be problematic.
But that was not the worst of what I read. The second article attempts to make the case that we must respect those who are committing such sins, a point with which I think we can agree. However, respect was defined in a way that would call the Christians to disrespect the Word of God. The paragraph in question reads as such:
“Respecting other people also means using the terms that they use. If the gay or lesbian person in your life identifies his or her partner as a girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, or husband, then you should do the same. To insist on calling the partner a ‘roommate’ or ‘friend’ is both a sign of disrespect and a futile attempt at sticking one’s head in the sand and refusing to admit what the relationship really is” (Baker, Ray. “When Someone You Love Comes Out”. The Baptist Bulletin, Summer 2023 Edition, page 34.)
This paragraph directly undermines the preaching and teaching I have done for our church family here at Norton Baptist Church. Worse, however, it undermines the Biblical view on marriage.
This paragraph directly undermines the preaching and teaching I have done for our church family here at Norton Baptist Church. Worse, however, it undermines the Biblical view on marriage. First of all, saying that respecting other people means using their terms is unqualified here. Therefore, if someone uses false terms, that sentence requires Christians to speak the same lies others speak out. You do not have to take my word for it, however, the author then goes on to confirm exactly that.
The term “husband” means a man who is married, and the term “wife” means a woman who is married, and that is the only definition for these terms. The Scriptures, however, define marriage to be limited to a man and woman, or heterosexual relationships. In other words, while the state and our culture claim that gay marriage is real, the Word of God states unequivocally that there is no such thing as gay marriage. To give in, then, to someone’s terminology of calling someone a wife who is not a wife, is to enter into a delusion with them. I agree that individual may feel like you are respecting them, but the cost of that respect is to disrespect God’s design for marriage.
Perhaps pointing out another logical implication might be helpful. Applying this paragraph means that if a man insists you call him “she” and “her”, then you have to do so. If you think I am misapplying the paragraph, I assure you that I am not, in fact, I have an email conversation with the interim national representative of the GARBC who confirms this implication from this paragraph. To be clear, he did not confirm this to be his position, but he did say that his position is that Christians can disagree on these issues. According to Scripture, however, Genesis 1:27 says that God determines male and female, and to adopt the terminology of the created rather than the Creator is to deny God’s Word on what He has clearly stated. Biblically faithful Christians cannot have any disagreement on this issue because the Scriptures are clear.
I agree that individual may feel like you are respecting them, but the cost of that respect is to disrespect God’s design for marriage.
The Scriptures are also clear that we are to always be armored up with truth (Ephesians 6:10-14), that we are to speak the truth (Ephesians 4:15), that the fruit of light is truth (Ephesians 5:9), and that we are not to adulterate the Word of God (2 Corinthians 4:2). The unbeliever, and specifically in these types of sins, is suppressing the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18), and we must not participate with that suppression of truth. Regarding what is respect, respect would require loving others, and we know that love “does not rejoice in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth” (1 Corinthains 13:6, Legacy Standard Bible). I admit we have many professing Christians struggling with how to treat people they love regarding terminology and pronouns, but that is not because God’s Word causes any confusion, but rather it is because many adopting the world’s terminology and the world’s definitions. God is not the Author of confusion, but of clarity and truth, and our job is to be diligent and study so that we might not only accurately handle the Word of God but so that we might live by the Word of God.
I have been told that the views expressed in the articles of this publication are solely of the author, however, I have also been told that the editors seek to make sure the articles are consistent with Biblical thought. There also was an editor’s note on this article that referred to another article from Desiring God on homosexuality. None of this, however, justifies the expression of the paragraph in question. I know there are many who might respond that since I agree with the conclusions, what is the big deal of having one paragraph I disagree on. The answer is that we must be Biblical in everything we express, and while we can all stumble in many ways, when we do stumble, there is a path forward to correction. To date, however, I have still received no response from a letter sent six weeks ago expressing the Biblical case. As best as I can tell at this moment, this paragraph is still being considered to be consistent with Biblical thought by the leadership of the GARBC.
Now, I have already stated that I have taught and preached on this issue with Biblical clarity and authority directly against what this paragraph is calling for. According to what I believe from Scripture and have taught our people, this paragraph is a direct call for the people who read it to practice sinfulness and join with the unfruitful works of darkness. It is a call to refuse to stand firm against the schemes of the devil, and rather join in with them. Based on the truth from God’s Word, I can see this no other way, but apparently, within our association, I am in the minority view. Barring some tidal wave of men speaking out on this issue, I am no longer a fit for this association, because this is an issue that comes down to the authority and sufficiency of Scripture in my mind.
Based on the truth from God’s Word, I can see this no other way, but apparently, within our association, I am in the minority view.
Some might argue that, since I am in the minority view, that I should humble myself and recognize that I, especially with my limited experience and limited education, may not know as much as I think I do. That, however, is not how we arrive at truth, rather, we arrive at truth through the faithful study and proper exegesis of God’s Word, humbling submitting ourselves to the truth revealed there. I have yet to have anyone make any Biblical case for anything contrary to what I have laid out. If you would like a copy of the letter I sent that lays out this case, I would be happy to send it to you, just reach out on our website. If there is a Biblical case to be made, those who hold to it are not bringing it forth. The article that contains this paragraph references exactly no Scripture, and neither did the representative when it was clear I was questioning this article.
The only real argument expressed to me is how we try to win people like this for Christ, and that is a challenging question. One answer, however, I can give confidently, is that we do not win them by undermining the authority of the Scriptures that we are calling them to bow the knee to. The same Scriptures that give us the gospel also teach us what marriage is and who determines male and female. If you go along with their terminology at the expense of Scripture, you are simply teaching them that God’s Word is not ultimate truth. Perhaps, instead, by demonstrating the honor and respect for God’s holiness and His Word, some might see that and wonder why you would risk relationship, status, and for some, their livelihoods, to stand so strong on these issues. I believe winning people to Christ includes treating God as holy as Jesus taught us to pray for. Furthermore, salvation belongs to the Lord, and while I seek to be kind, speak truth in love, I must recognize that it is not my strategies that make people alive in Christ, but rather only God can make the dead live. Evangelism must be subjected to faithfulness to Scripture, trusting God will work His perfect will.
While I remain neutral on associations in general, I am not neutral on where I stand right now with the GARBC. Being neutral, however, makes this a much easier decision as well. This downside far outweighs any upside we could possibly be receiving from the GARBC, and barring some drastic change that I cannot currently foresee, it seems this will be the end of this 70 year association. We are in another association here in Ohio, and perhaps down the road our church will consider other associations that might be more beneficial and fit our view of authority and sufficiency of God’s Word. Until then, however, I trust God will lead us exactly where He desires for His glory.
Soli Deo Gloria.