We use another website for our online giving, so the link above or below will open a new window on our online giving site. We provide the following information for anyone interested in giving here at Norton Baptist Church.

We ask people to consider using ACH (routing number and account number) versus debit card as the fees are significantly less. Each transaction costs 30 cents, but debit cards charge an additional 2.25% of the entire amount. Using ACH will keep our online giving expenses lower and allow more of your giving to be used for ministry here. 

We have four main funds always available that you can give to: General, Missions, Barnabas Barrel, and Building. On occasion, we also run special offerings for other things and you will see those funds available on the giving site. Let's work through the main funds to help you understand how your gift will be used by our church.

  1. The General Fund is used to support the day to day operations of our church. The unique thing about giving to our general fund is we only keep 79% of what you give for operations, and 21% of your gift is automatically diverted into our Missions Fund. In other words, we believe in giving so much that we give to our supporting missionaries out of the giving given to us for operating expenses.

  2. The Missions Fund is used for sending out missionaries all over the world for the sake of the gospel and church planting. We have a number of missionaries that we support, as well as we give to some who visit with us out of this fund. We also use some of this money to hold a mission's conference. This money is solely reserved for these purposes and cannot be spent elsewhere.

  3. The Barnabas Barrel is a benevolence fund. Our leadership uses it to help, first those who are in our church family with practical needs, and then to help those in our community with practical needs if we are able. This money is solely reserved for these purposes and cannot be spent elsewhere.

  4. The Building Fund is used for remodeling our church facilities. Many upgrades have been done the last few years and more are needed, so we set up a fund for people to be able to give that direction. Our next building project is finishing some of our lower level for a great kids' area.

God continues to take care of our needs, and we are not looking for people to give out of any obligation, but rather we desire for people to give as God has increased them with joyful hearts for all that He has given us. We do believe people should support their local church, so if we are your local church, we believe it is right to direct some of your giving to us. If we are not your local church, please make sure you are supporting your local church prior to giving financially to our church or any other ministry.

If you are interested in how our giving is spent, we are more than happy to provide that information. We do an annual budget every year for our General Fund to plan operating expenses, and our church votes each year to approve those amounts. We post that information in the back of our auditorium so that people can see how we manage the resuorces God entrusts us with.

We do know this, that our God will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:19)