A Reflection on Our Shepherd for 2025

This past Sunday I had the privilege to preach Psalm 23. I viewed this as an intimidating task, as this is such a beloved psalm by so many, but it is also a psalm that brings comfort, brings healing, and brings hope to those who can say with David, “Yahweh is my Shepherd.”

What an amazing statement that is, that the self-existent, self-sufficient, eternal, immutable, holy, Maker of heaven and earth would condescend to become a shepherd of filthy and foolish, dumb and dirty, sheep like us. Yet this is God’s way, exampled by our Lord Jesus Christ as He condescended to become a humble Servant. God, who deserves to be high and lifted up, chooses to be gracious to undeserving, unworthy people, out of mercy and love.

David continues in this psalm expressing God’s faithfulness to feed him, to lead him, and to restore his soul. It is the role of a faithful shepherd to provide both feeding and leading for the sheep, who are so needy and prone to wandering. In so doing, it is the shepherd’s faithfulness that sustains the sheep, and it is God’s faithfulness who sustains His sheep.

David’s expression of going through the valley of the shadow of death has been referenced by millions, but it is only those who have Yahweh as Shepherd who can claim the promise, “For You are with me.” The imagery of rod and staff signify the nearness of the Shepherd, that He can both fend off the enemies, and guide the sheep, who are always within reach of the Shepherd.

In a beautiful shift, David then illustrates the Lord as host and David as a guest, sitting at His table. Once again, God is serving David, preparing the table for him, insisting that he sit down and eat in the very presence of enemies. Today, we feast on the grace of our Lord and His blessings in Christ while still living among a hostile world.

David concludes this psalm with a final, powerful declaration, “I will dwell in the house of Yahweh forever.” Now Daivd is no longer a guest in the house, but rather a permanent resident, a son in the house of God. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, we become children of the Almighty, beloved because of the work of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and this hope will never fade away.

These benefits that David speaks of are only granted to sheep of this Shepherd, so the ultimate question becomes, are you one of His sheep? Do you see the providence of this Shepherd in your life, feeding you, leading you, restoring your soul? Is He your Shepherd, or is He just a Shepherd you have heard of? Do you hear His voice, the voice of the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ, and do you follow Him? Jesus cried out in John 10:14-15, “I am the good shepherd, and I know My own, and My own know Me; even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.”

For those who know Jesus, know the Father, know the Good Shepherd, take comfort in the truth of Psalm 23, all the days of your life, and especially into the new year. Let the goodness and lovingkindness of Psalm 23 refresh your soul as you begin thinking about 2025, knowing that this faithful Shepherd will continue and finish the work that He started.


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